Live your life to the fullest: What would you do if you only had "x" months to live?

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StumbleVideo: Randy Pausch reprising his &Last Lecture& as seen on Oprah. It's an eleven minute video. TOTALLY WORTH YOUR TIME! I PROMISE!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Rigor, Relevance, Relationships

Please post your ideas!


Diane Graff said...

21 Ideas to Integrate Technology

1. Ad: Make a brochure advertising the book.
2. News: Create a newsletter from the time period of the story.
3. Family Tree: Insert a tree map from the organization chart.
4. Recipes: Create a set of recipes based on the setting of a story.
5. Logo: Create a logo using the draw tool and paint to represent a character or symbolic of a theme.
6. Pros/Cons: Create a table to list comparisons/contrast of characters or 2 stories.
7. Book Jacket: Develop a book jacket with synopsis of plot, author profile, and criticism.
8. Map: Draw a map using the draw tool/paint of the story setting. This can also be accomplished by using the software, Map Machine.

1. Graph: Create a database of primary information from several stories comparing character traits. Then create a model demonstrating the data in a graph.
2. Database: Prepare a vocabulary database with root words, prefix, suffix, and usage columns.
3. Database: Prepare a spreadsheet of parts of speech as a grammar review with name definition, examples, and sample sentences.
4. Graph: Chart student’s prediction of a stories conclusion. The turn it into a graph.
5. Database: List famous quotes.
6. Budget: Create a spreadsheet based on a story about creating a business, shopping, or planning a party.

1. Collage: Locate, copy, and paste pictures from the Internet to represent a character or theme of a story.
2. Point of View: Create slides to compare/contrast viewpoints on a topic.
3. Diary: Create slides with picture and entry.
4. Retelling: Create a slide presentation of an alternate ending of a story.
5. Scrapbook: Create character slides containing images, quotes, and important descriptions.
6. Illustrate: Create a comic strip/cartoon that summarizes a story or chapter.
7. Commercial: Develop a storyboard for a commercial for a story. Film your commercial using the DVD camera and insert it into the slide presentation.

The possibilities are endless!

How can you include one of these ideas to demonstrate an authentic assessment for a lesson/unit?

Students can work on their project in the Computer Lab.

Unknown said...

Some teachers have asked for the receipe for landform maps. I've posted it below:

2 cups of flour
1 cup of salt
3/4 cup of water
(per map)